Vol.27 No.1(1992.3)
Research Report

Dimensional Inspection of an Automotive Body

Kazunori Higuchi, Osamu Ozeki, Shin Yamamoto

With recent increase of a high class and high quality cars, there is a great demand for more sophisticated inspection in automobile manufacturing industry. In the manufacturing process, three dimensional inspection is required for automotive body panels, white-bodies before painting and finished-bodies after painting .

An algorithm for the inspection of automotive body panel dimensions using a three-dimensional (3-D)vision sensor has been developed. The slit light of the 3-D vision sensor is projected onto a body panel and the reference block which gives reference coordinates. In order to measure the gap and flushness between the panel and the block, this algorithm discriminates the form of an edge of a cut off or bent panel and estimates the edge of the panel by fitting a circle.

A pulse- controlled 3-D vision sensor and an algorithm for the inspection of finished-body dimensions using this sensor have been developed. This 3-D vision sensor controls both intensity level and time of the projected slit light pulse in order to measure finished-body dimensions with various reflectances. This report describes these newly developed methods and the performance of the inspection system based on the methods.