Vol.27 No.2(1992.6)
Research Report

Thin-film Limiting-current Type Oxygen Sensor

Hideaki Takahashi, Keiichi Saji, Haruyoshi Kondo

When voltage is applied to zirconia solid electrolyte electric current flows in it and gaseous oxygen is pumped out from one side to the other by oxygen ion conduction. If the oxygen amount supplid to the electrolyte is restricted by a small hole or porous material, the electric current is saturated at a constant level. The saturated current is called limiting current and proportional to the ambient oxygen concentration. Therefore, the oxygen concentration can be detected from the current by applying a fixed voltage to the electrolyte.

An oxygen sensor on the basis of the above principle was fabricated by utilizing thin-film micro-machining technology. In the fabrication process, thin-films of platinum cathode, zirconia electrolyte and platinum anode were successively laminated on a porous alumina substrate.

Features of the oxygen sensor include small size (1.8mm square), wide measuring range for oxygen content (0 to 90% O2), high-speed response (200ms for 90% response). Other features of the sensor are long maintenance free use, small heater power consumption by heater (approximate 1W), suitable fabrication proceses for mass production, excellent heat resistance, and high reliability under severe conditions.

The sensor can be utilized as a monitoring device to control fuel combustion efficiencies, acceleration or retardation of chemical reactions, oxidation states of sealed products, medical treatments, and many other applications where ambient oxygen content plays an important role.
