Before Contact Us

Please read the following before contacting us.
If you agree to them, please click the "agree" button.
Then, you can move on to the mail form.

  1. We do not use your contact information for any other purpose.
  2. The reply from our company is only for the purpose of answering your personal inquiries. It is prohibited to use our e-mail replies, in whole or in part, for any other purpose.
  3. Toyota CRDL is an independent corporate institute that was established through a joint investment by the companies of the Toyota Group. We cannot, provide information about the companies constituting the Toyota Group. For inquiries related to those companies, please contact them directly.
  4. Depending on your inquiry, it may take a while or be impossible to provide an answer.

Personal data received from customers are encrypted and protected by SSL. You might not be able to use the inquiry form if your browser does not support SSL or if you access this website from a corporate network protected by a firewall.

'SSL CERTIFICATE ERROR' could happen when your system time is not in sync with the network time. Please ensure your system clock is set to the correct time and try again.