A hybrid power system consisting of a pressurized
molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) and a micro gas
turbine (MGT) has been developed to demonstrate the
system's high power generation efficiency (target
of 55 %), very low NOx emissions, and the ability
to use high-temperature gasification gas (biogas)
as its fuel.
The MCFC generator is pressurized, and is powered
by reformed fuel and process air supplied by the compressor
of the MGT. The MGT is a single-shaft gas turbine
that powers a high-speed direct-drive alternator.
The MGT generator offers increased power output and
thermal efficiency thanks to its utilization of thermal
energy from the pressurized MCFC exhaust gas. The
heat exhausted from the MGT is recovered by a heat
recovery steam generator (HRSG) and the low-temperature
heat exchanger of a hot water driven absorption refrigeration
The MGT combustor plays an important role during
system start-up. The system is able to operate, however,
without any combustor firing within a load range of
75 % to 100 %. Therefore the NOx emissions are almost
This system was demonstrated at the Aichi World Exposition
held in 2005, Japan. The MCFC/MGT hybrid system can
use both high-temperature gasification gas (biogas)
as well as town gas as its fuel. A maximum efficiency
of 52 % at 300 kW was obtained, and the total on-site
operating time reached about 5,200 hours with no failures.
溶融炭酸塩形燃料電池 (MCFC) とマイクロガスタービン (MGT) を組み合わせた加圧型ハイブリッドシステムを用いて,大型発電設備に匹敵する高い発電効率とNOx等の排出がない優れた環境調和性を兼ね備えた小型自立分散型コージェネレーションシステムの開発を行っている。このシステムは,MCFCの特徴である高温運転による排熱
(排ガス温度は約650℃) を利用してMGTで発電を行うハイブリッドシステムである。またMCFCの作動圧力を上げる
(4気圧程度) ことにより燃料電池の効率を向上させることができる。MGT下流には蒸気ボイラ,温水ボイラを設置し,排熱回収を行っている。さらに,新たなMGT制御方法を開発することで,高負荷発電時にMGT燃焼器を消火させるので,NOxがゼロのクリーンな排気を実現した点もこのシステムの特徴である。愛知万博会場で行った実証試験において,最大負荷303kW,最高効率52