Technical Journal R&D Review
Jan. 23, 2007

Erratum to " Metamaterials and Automotive Applications" and " Design of Optical Devices Based on Topology Optimization" (Vol.41 No.4(2006.12))
The publishier regrets that when the above articles were printed the authors' introduction were incorrect.
They are now reproduced correctly below.



Vol.41 No.4 P.8 (author introduction (Kazuo Sato))
Added : Academic degree : Dr. Eng.

Vol.41 No.4 P.31 (author introduction (Yasuhide Tsuji))
Added : Academic degree : Ph. D.

Vol.41 No.4 P.31 (author introduction (Koichi Hirayama))
Added : Academic degree : Ph. D.

Apr. 26, 2005

Erratum to "Estimation of Spray Lubrication and Die Temperature for Die Wear Life Prediction in Hot Forging"(Vol.40 No.1(2005.3))
The publisher regrets that when the above article was printed the authors' affiliations were incorrect.
It is now reproduced correctly below.


  Vol.40 No.1 ( p.55)
correct :
condition C
incorrect : condition A
Oct. 6, 2004

Erratum to "Oil Degradation in Second-Land Region of Gasoline Engine Pistons"(Vol.38 No.3(2003.9))
The Publisher regrets that Fig. 5, Fig. 7, Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 were incorrect. It is reproduced correctly.


Vol.38 No.3 P.39〜42 Fig.5, Fig.7, Fig.9, Fig.10

correct : Load
incorrect :

Vol.38 No.3 P.43 Fig. 11
correct :
incorrect :
Sep. 22, 2004

By renewal of this site, the link place of the following paper references was changed. We will correct.



Vol.38No.4 p.1
Modeling, Analysis and Control Methods for Improving Vehicle Dynamic Behavior (Overview)

Vol.38No.4 p.54
Influence of Properties and Composition of Diesel Fuels on Particulate EmissionsPart 2. Fuels for Single-Cylinder Engine Test in the Combustion Analysis for the WG of JCAP

Vol.39No.1 p.36
Air Quality in Auto-Cabin (108K)

Vol.39No.1 p.63
Highly-Textured Thermoelectric Oxide Polycrystals Synthesized by the Reactive-Templated Grain Growth (RTGG) Method

Vol.39No.2 p.1
Driver Behavior and Active Safety (Overview)


Jul. 6, 2004

Erratum to " Development of Tire Side Force Model Based on "Magic Formula" with the Influence of Tire Surface Temperature" (Vol.38 No.4(2003.12))
The publishier regrets that when the above article was printed the authors' affiliations were incorrect.
It is now reproduced correctly below.


  correct :  
  incorrect :  


Apr. 15, 2002

Erratum to " Human Sensitivity for Vehicle Yaw-motion" (Vol.36 No.3(2001.9))
The publishier regrets that when the above article was printed the authors' affiliations were incorrect.
It is now reproduced correctly below.

Vol.36 No.3 ( p.47)


correct :
Kazukata Takei, Eiichi Yasuda,
Shun'ichi Doi, Setsuo Maeda*
*National Institute of Industrial Health
incorrect : Kazukata Takei, Eiichi Yasuda,
Shun'ichi Doi

incorrect :
Kazukata Takei, Eiichi Yasuda,
Shun'ichi Doi