Vol.38 No.4(2003.12) Special Issue : Modeling, Analysis and Control Methods for Improving Vehicle Dynamic Behavior
Vehicle Dynamics Like Yo-Yo Ma's "Libertango" (28K)
Modeling, Analysis and Control Methods for Improving Vehicle Dynamic Behavior (Overview) (444K)
Modeling of Tire Overturning Moment Characteristics and the Analysis of Their Influence on Vehicle Rollover Behavior (288K)
Toshimichi Takahashi, Masatoshi Hada
Development of Tire Side Force Model Based on "Magic Formula" with the Influence of Tire Surface Temperature (86K)
Masahiko Mizuno
Optimum Vehicle Dynamics Control Based on Tire Driving and Braking Force (96K)
Yoshikazu Hattori
Measurement of Equivalence Ratio in Spark Plug Gap for Low Emission Combustor (320K)
Yoshinori Idota
Katsushi Sanda, Nobuo Itoh, Noriyoshi Suzuki, Kenji Ito
Influence of Properties and Composition of Diesel Fuels on Particulate Emissions Part 1. The Step-I Fuels of the Diesel WG of JCAP (212K)
Influence of Properties and Composition of Diesel Fuels on Particulate Emissions Part 2. Fuels for Single-Cylinder Engine Test in the Combustion Analysis for the WG of JCAP (1.1MB)
Tadao Ogawa, Masanori Okada
On-Board Estimation of Vehicle Weight by Optimizing Signal Processing (28K)
Integrated Support System for Manufacturing Simulation (784K)