Vehicle Dynamics Like Yo-Yo Ma's "Libertango" (ヨー・ヨー・マのリベルタンゴのごとくに) (28K)
Modeling, Analysis and Control Methods for Improving Vehicle Dynamic Behavior (Overview) (車両運動性能向上のためのモデル化および解析・制御手法 ( 概況 )) (480K)
Modeling of Tire Overturning Moment Characteristics and the Analysis of Their Influence on Vehicle Rollover Behavior (タイヤのオーバーターニングモーメントのモデル化と車両の耐転覆性能に与える影響の解析) (328K)
Development of Tire Side Force Model Based on "Magic Formula" with the Influence of Tire Surface Temperature (タイヤ表面温度の影響を考慮したMagic Formula横力モデルの開発) (132K)
Optimum Vehicle Dynamics Control Based on Tire Driving and Braking Force (制駆動力を用いた最適車両運動制御) (716K)
Measurement of Equivalence Ratio in Spark Plug Gap for Low Emission Combustor (低Nox燃焼器の着火時濃度計測) (360K)
Multi-Service Receiver for Automobiles (車載統合通信システム) (1.6MB)
三田勝史,伊藤修朗, 鈴木徳祥,伊藤健ニ
Influence of Properties and Composition of Diesel Fuels on Particulate Emissions Part 1. The Step-I Fuels of the Diesel WG of JCAP (粒子状物質に及ぼす軽油の性状と組成の影響 (第1報) JCAPディーゼル車WGのStep-I 軽油) (244K)
Influence of Properties and Composition of Diesel Fuels on Particulate Emissions Part 2. Fuels for Single-Cylinder Engine Test in the Combustion Analysis for the WG of JCAP (粒子状物質に及ぼす軽油の性状と組成の影響 (第2報) JCAP燃焼解析WG・単気筒エンジン試験用軽油) (1.4MB)
On-Board Estimation of Vehicle Weight by Optimizing Signal Processing (信号処理の最適化によるオンボード車重推定) (32K)
Integrated Support System for Manufacturing Simulation (生産ラインシミュレーション統合型支援システム) (28K)