Life continues from generation to generation while adapting to changing environments. What can we learn and create from the wisdom that nature has built up over long periods of time? Through bioinspired system research, we are using the power of data to analyze the dynamics behind the growth, adaption, and evolution of living creatures, with the aim of creating new engineering systems.

Structural Design by Topological Optimization

Topological optimization facilitates the design of suitable structures by calculating optimum shapes based on combinations of constant loads applied to a design space and material characteristics. We have used topological optimization to propose seat frame designs inspired by the skeletal structures of living creatures.

Structural Design by Topological Optimization

Artificial Evolution

Over long periods of evolution, living creatures adjust to environmental changes through repeated rearrangement of their genomes. Using oxygen to cut and recombine genomes, we are researching the potential of artificial evolution through induced genomic rearrangement. Through artificial evolution, we hope to contribute to a harmonious future relationship between people and the environment.

Artificial Evolution